Where we serve!


The Barnabas Fellowship began its work in the South Asian country of Nepal in 1990 and in India since 1988. Much of our work has been concentrated there as a result.  Our calling is to the unreached, impoverished, and oppressed within this geographical region. In that time we’ve been partnering to accomplish some of the following projects:

  • Bible School Constructions.
  • Livestock and micro-business assistance
  • Evangelistic Training
  • Small Business Incubator for women
  • Widow and Orphan Assistance
  • Construction of Bible Translations facility (India)
  • Sewing and Tailoring Courses
  • Muslim Correspondence Course
  • Bible and Scripture portion translations ~ Hindu & Muslim
  • Medical outreach an clinic establishment
  • Numerous church plants
  • Sanitation and Water provision

And much more…

In 2009 we began researching the best way to be involved in anti-trafficking while

planting Good News at the same time. The result is Save The Daughters. We are passionate about addressing the world’s greatest needs and are very proud of the men and women we’ve partnered with in the past.
Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world, and the situation among its children is heartbreaking. Over five thousand children live on the streets in Katmandu, and an average of ten thousand girls and young women are trafficked across the border into India each year.  The children living on the streets get into drugs at a devastatingly early age, and nearly all of them end up with HIV, and many others are sexually abused.  More than two thousand have been orphaned by recent political violence.

India is one of the most populated countries in the world and one of the most poor. The contrast between poor and rich is stark, and like Nepal, the women and children often suffer most.  We currently focus most of our efforts in the Northern part of the country but have conducted projects in all but three Indian States.

Add the populations of the North Indian states Uttar Pradesh and Bihar,

then combine it with the population of Nepal,

And you get a total population (330 million) greater than the United

States of America. It’s a small part of the world’s

land mass, but filled with incredible opportunities.


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